DATCAP spotlights mental health resources – 715Newsroom.com

Throughout May’s Mental Health Month, the DATCP highlighted the importance of self-care. Mental health is at the heart of our overall health, and ignoring mental health needs can impact our quality of life – in the same way that ignoring a broken leg can impact our ability to sit or walk. walk comfortably. The past few years have added a new and unique stress to everyone’s already full plate.

Since the mid-1980s, thousands of farm families have turned to DATCP’s Wisconsin Farm Center for financial and business counseling, succession planning, veteran farmer assistance and the welfare program. farmers. The Wisconsin Farm Center is just one of the tools DATCP uses to support the people of Wisconsin, but it is crucial.

In 2020, the Veterinary Professional Assistance Program (VPAP) was established by the Veterinarian Examining Board (VEB) and the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, providing 24/7 confidential services to veterinarians. The VEB covers the costs of the VPAP program and supports veterinarians who may not be able to afford care. Thanks to the work of field staff from VEB, VPAP, Wisconsin Farm Center and DATCP, we are able to support the farming community and those who may need it.

If you or someone you know is suffering from anxiety, chronic stress, or depression, have them contact the DATCP’s 24/7 Wisconsin Farmer Wellness Helpline at (888) 901-2558 or the VPAP at (866) 440-6556. If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1 (800) 273-8255.

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